I heard this story in church this morning. May it bless you as much as it has blessed me.

A story was told of a man who found a teapot while he was strolling on a beach. Seeing that it looked rather exquisite though old, he began to rub the sand off it. Lo and behold, amidst the smoke that was coming out of the spout appeared a genie. "I, my master, am a genie. I can grant you one, only one, wish that you have. My master, please make your request." The man's initial shock was turned to glee and he asked for the newspapers that would be published a year from now. "Very well. Your wish shall be granted." With that, the genie vanished the same way he came, in a shroud of smoke, and in its place were the papers the man wanted.
He flipped to the pages that would give him information of the stock market. Happily, he started planning his potential investments and how he would splurge on himself. Feeling very pleased, he began to relax and started browsing through the news. As he turned another page, he saw his own face, on an obituary. A year later, he would pass away into oblivion. That certainly changed his priorities in life.

What narrative will you be weaving into the tapestry of life for the new year? May it be one that's full of faith, hope and