anyway, when it comes to those pickled vegetables, i never knew there were 2 kinds, until my granny told me to get them. i failed in my first attempt, didn't manage to get the sourish one. so i tried to make it up by making another trip to suptermarket the next day. and still, it's not exactly the one, i had bought the salted sourish one, as in the combination type. they are called pickled mustard...? ok, am i hopeless or what? my granny was gracious enough to accept it.

咸菜汤 (xian cai tang) or salted vegetable soup is what we've always had for chinese new year. and interestingly, my granny always says that my brother has a sharp taste bud as he will always be able to taste the difference should an ingredient go missing to make the soup less tasty.
as for the mushroom porridge, yeah, it's just mushrooms and porridge, as you see it. but boy, was it yummy :) fish. those slim ones? i think they are the kuning fish variety, i dunno about the other one though. i just know my granny eats them often. simple but nice.